BOCATER quadrante4
BOCATER quadrante3
BOCATER quadrante2
BOCATER quadrante1
BOCATER quadrante2
BOCATER quadrante4
BOCATER quadrante1



Advisory, preventive and contentious advice, specializing in labor aspects related to social security benefits and supplementary pensions.

Our services include:

  • preventive and strategic guidance related to potential labor claims and assistance in reducing materialized labor liabilities;
  • drafting memos and opinions recommending adjustments to procedures in order to eliminate or reduce possible contingencies;
  • advising on the preparation of labor audits, assessing materialized or potential contingencies;
  • monitoring inspections by the Ministry of Labor and Employment and the Ministry of Social Security and Assistance;
  • assistance in contesting labor or social security infractions;
  • monitoring administrative procedures before the Regional Superintendencies of Labor and Employment and the Social Security Appeals Board;
  • defence in Public Civil Actions or Enforcement of Terms of Commitment to Adjust Conduct proposed by the Labor Prosecutor’s Office (MPT).



News, bulletins and newsletters from the area

O Plenário do Tribunal Superior do Trabalho (TST) definiu, em sessão realizada no dia 16 de dezembro, a tese vinculante sobre os critérios para a concessão da justiça gratuita, com base nos parâmetros estabelecidos pela Reforma Trabalhista (Lei nº 13.467 de 2017). A tese foi firmada no julgamento

O Plenário do Tribunal Superior do Trabalho (TST) publicou resolução para determinar o cabimento de agravo interno contra decisões de juízo de admissibilidade recursal proferidas pelos Tribunais Regionais do Trabalho (TRT). Especificamente, a sessão plenária definiu a edição da Resolução n° 224 de 2024, com o objetivo de