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Civil law, contracts and estate planning

Advice on matters related to obligations, contracts and inheritance and estate planning.
Our services include:

  • issues of liability, personality and civil capacity;
  • constitution and dissolution of associations and foundations;
  • issues of possession, ownership or condominium of assets and rights of any kind;
  • interpretation of legislation, the validity of legal transactions, fulfilment of obligations, cancellations, constitution of guarantees and issuance of securities;
  • analysis, drafting and negotiation of contracts, especially those involving fiduciary alienation, purchase and sale, lending, debt confession, creation of guarantees, distribution, factoring, leasing, rental, provision of services and insurance.
  • advising on succession issues, wills, inventory and succession planning;
  • reorganization and asset protection;
  • consulting on pre-litigation strategies to prevent or settle disputes.

 We have particular experience in regulated sectors, such as payment institutions and the collaborative economy based on digital platforms, among others.

Senior Partner

Of Counsel


News, bulletins and newsletters from the area

A Quarta Turma do Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ), ao julgar o Recurso Especial nº 1.857.194, estabeleceu importante precedente ao decidir que a impugnação ao valor da causa deve ser analisada, mesmo quando reconhecida a decadência do direito reclamado. No caso, o recurso foi interposto com o objetivo

No último dia 07 de outubro, os ministros da Corte Especial do Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ) decidiram que a impenhorabilidade de quantia inferior a 40 salários-mínimos não é matéria de ordem pública e não pode ser reconhecida de ofício pelo juiz. A decisão ocorreu no âmbito do