
In an article published in Migalhas, João Camargo, Maurício Gobbi and Isabela Barbosa analyse the new ‘Paul Singer Law’ and the inclusion of solidarity economy ventures in the Civil Code


In an article published in Migalhas, João Laudo de Camargo, Maurício Gobbi dos Santos and Isabela Raposo Barbosa analyse the new ‘Paul Singer Law’ and the inclusion of solidarity economy ventures in the Civil Code.

The new law (Law 15.068), published in the last days of 2024, provides for the National Solidarity Economy Policy and creates #Sinaes. In addition, it establishes the objectives, principles and guidelines that should guide the new public policy and seeks to develop the Brazilian economy focused on enterprises that have purposes and values linked to the sustainable social environment, in an economic model based on values such as solidarity, self-management and sustainability.

Named in honour of economist Paul Singer, the authors explain that the law outlines the concept of solidarity economy in a broad way, mentioning economic activities without, however, being entirely clear about its purpose.

‘In any case, it can be understood that the solidarity economy is a way of organising economic activities in favour of solidarity-based and sustainable development, in a fair manner and in encouragement of associated and cooperative work, constituting an ‘economic activity’ in which workers cooperate with each other, generate collectivity with the use of the mode of production and act in a manner of solidarity.’

They also emphasise that the impact on Solidarity Economy Enterprises (EES) still depends on regulation and case law.

Check out the full analysis:



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