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Corporate and Business Law

Acting in corporate transactions involving various types of companies and other legal entities (notably public and private limited companies).

Our advice in this area includes:


  • incorporation of companies, joint ventures, consortia and groups of companies;
  • corporate reorganizations, such as the sale, acquisition, merger and incorporation of companies;
  • due diligence and review of corporate transaction documents (SPA, MOU, etc.);
  • advising and representing shareholders at prior meetings and assemblies;
  • meetings of the board of directors, executive board, supervisory board and advisory committees to the board of directors and executive board;
  • drafting and negotiating shareholders’ and partners’ agreements;
  • relations between partners, shareholders, directors and companies, especially situations involving conflicts of interest;
  • internal regulations of corporate bodies, codes of ethics, indemnity agreements, non-compete agreements and other routine company documents;
  • internal share trading and information disclosure policies;
  • public offerings for the acquisition of shares (OPA), including preparation of the public notice, intermediation contract and review of valuation reports;
  • analysis of Financial Statements, transactions between related parties and other aspects where Corporate Law and Accounting Pronouncements intersect;
  • legal opinions.



  • assistance and representation in administrative sanctions investigations and proceedings before the CVM and the CRSFN, including proposals for terms of commitment, within the scope of self-regulators and regulators;
  • representation in corporate litigation in and out of court and in arbitration.

Senior Partner

Of Counsel


News, bulletins and newsletters from the area

A Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (CVM) publicou, no dia 26 de dezembro, o Edital de Consulta Pública SDM nº 04/24, no qual é proposta minuta de resolução a ser editada com alterações na Resolução CVM (RCVM) nº 45, de 31 de agosto de 2021, que dispõe sobre o

Em 3 de dezembro, o Banco Central do Brasil (BCB) e a Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (CVM) publicaram a Resolução Conjunta nº 13, que estabelece normas para o investimento de pessoas físicas e jurídicas não residentes nos mercados financeiro e de valores mobiliários. A Resolução Conjunta nº 13