BOCATER quadrante3
BOCATER quadrante2
BOCATER quadrante2
BOCATER quadrante3
BOCATER quadrante1
BOCATER quadrante4
BOCATER quadrante2
BOCATER quadrante3
BOCATER quadrante3


Financial and Capital Markets Infrastructure

Our Financial and Capital Markets Infrastructure practice is recognized for the academic solidity and technical precision of the solutions presented to clients, which is the result of our partners’ professional experience with regulators and self-regulators in the financial and capital markets.

We offer efficient and multidisciplinary solutions, customized on the continuous engagement of our partners in the Financial and Capital Markets Infrastructure, Capital Markets, Corporate and Business, Tax and Administrative practices, guaranteeing the highest level of quality and sophistication in our services.

Our clients are institutions authorized by the Central Bank and/or the Securities and Exchange Commission, such as retail and investment banks; payment institutions; brokers and distributors of financial assets and securities; financial and capital market infrastructures (custodians, depositories and registrars); securitizers; administrators of organized stock exchange and over-the-counter markets; trading platforms; tokenizers and others.

Our services include:

  • Corporate operations of regulated institutions;
  • Assessment of the compliance of products and services offered by our clients with the applicable rules and regulations;
  • Legal advice on audits and investigations conducted by regulators and self-regulators of the financial and capital markets;
  • Administrative and judicial litigation involving regulators and self-regulators of the financial and capital markets;
  • Advice on the authorization and self-regulatory processes of the financial and capital markets, such as the Central Bank, CVM, AMBIMA and BSM;
  • Assessment of the compliance of products and services offered by our clients with the applicable rules and regulations;
  • Legal advice on audits and investigations conducted by regulators and self-regulators of the financial and capital markets;
  • Administrative and judicial litigation involving regulators and self-regulators of the financial and capital markets.


News, bulletins and newsletters from the area

No dia 11 de novembro, a Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (CVM) editou a Resolução CVM nº 220, que flexibiliza os limites autorizados aos participantes no capital social votante da entidade administradora dos respectivos mercados de bolsa de valores, dentre outras disposições. A nova Resolução altera a Resolução CVM

No dia 11 de novembro, o Banco Central do Brasil (BCB) editou a Resolução BCB nº 429/2024, que altera a Resolução BCB nº 1, de 12 de agosto de 2020, para dispor que apenas instituições autorizadas a funcionar pela autarquia podem ser participantes do Pix. A Resolução BCB