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People management

For 25 years, Bocater has stood out for recognizing and valuing people, whether they are employees, clients, suppliers or other partners. Our actions are based on respect and diversity. We have a diverse team that works with ethics, technical quality, commitment and a lot of companionship.

Almost 50% of our professionals have been part of our team for more than five years, and several have been with the firm for more than a decade, having started their careers as trainees. These indicators demonstrate our relationship of respect and collaboration with each and every one of them.

​​Our values ​​and
code of ethics

The ethical values ​​that govern the conduct of Bocater members are based on respect for human dignity and aim to contribute to the construction of a fair and supportive society.

Privacy policy

Bocater is committed to respecting the privacy of its customers, employees and suppliers, having drawn up its privacy policy with a view to protecting the data and personal information provided by data subjects.

​​Our values ​​and code of ethics

The ethical values ​​that govern the conduct of Bocater members are based on respect for human dignity and aim to contribute to the construction of a fair and supportive society.

Privacy Policy

Bocater is committed to respecting the privacy of its customers, employees and suppliers, having drawn up its privacy policy with a view to protecting the data and personal information provided by data subjects.

​​Our values ​​and code of ethics

The ethical values ​​that govern the conduct of Bocater members are based on respect for human dignity and aim to contribute to the construction of a fair and supportive society.


Bocater is committed to respecting the privacy of its customers, employees and suppliers, having drawn up its privacy policy with a view to protecting the data and personal information provided by data subjects.


Learning and growth opportunities in a highly specialized environment. We have mentoring and training programs for lawyers and interns, always aiming to improve and value our talents with real growth opportunities. Come be a part of this story!

Check out the available opportunities: