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BOCATER quadrante2
BOCATER quadrante2
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Public Law

We advise clients on their relations with direct and indirect public administration bodies, municipalities (including regulatory agencies), public companies, mixed-capital companies and public foundations. Our work is divided into two areas:


  • advice on bidding processes and also on contracts with the direct and indirect Public Administration;
  • advising on obtaining registrations, authorizations and defenses in administrative proceedings before federal, state and municipal regulatory agencies;
  • drafting, analyzing and monitoring administrative contracts, agreements and other business terms signed with the Public Administration;
  • drafting and advising on contractual claims for economic and financial rebalancing;
  • advising state-owned companies on their interface with the public authorities and the private sector;
  • support in consensual dispute resolution procedures, especially Conduct Adjustment Agreements (TAC), Management Adjustment Agreements (TAG), Non-Civil Prosecution Agreements (ANPC), technical panels, mediations and dispute boards.



  • acting before the Courts of Auditors (municipal, state and federal) and other control bodies (Comptroller General of the Union – CGU, Public Prosecutor’s Office, etc.);
  • acting in administrative disciplinary proceedings (PAD), administrative accountability proceedings (PAR), administrative appeals and other administrative litigation measures;
  • defending administrative acts and contracts and representing clients in proceedings before the courts of auditors, administrative improbity actions and others, linked to specialized administrative and judicial litigation.



News, bulletins and newsletters from the area

At the beginning of December, our lawyer Ana Luiza Moerbeck gave a lecture at FGV Direito Rio on ‘Controversial Aspects of Corporate Administrative Law’. On the occasion, Ana Luiza discussed with the students relevant concrete cases involving the performance of Brazilian state-owned companies and some points that may