BOCATER quadrante2
BOCATER quadrante1
BOCATER quadrante1
BOCATER quadrante4
BOCATER quadrante3
BOCATER quadrante2
BOCATER quadrante4



Wide-ranging practice involving consultancy and advisory services. As well as representation in administrative and judicial proceedings, with a focus on solutions that balance solid technical legal support with the pragmatism of the business environment.

Our services include, among others:


  • legal and doctrinal analysis, jurimetrics and benchmarking;
  • legal opinions and other technical analyses;
  • permanent advice on matters related to direct and indirect taxes, which includes monitoring procedures before the Tax Administration, including compliance with main and ancillary obligations, audits, offsets, among others;
  • tax planning;
  • structuring legal alternatives for corporate and M&A transactions;
  • advising on the process of applying for special regimes before tax authorities;
  • advising on the recovery of unduly paid taxes;
  • identification of opportunities to take advantage of credits; 
  • advice on the taxation of cross-border operations; 
  • advising on corporate tax governance, including drawing up a policy, organizational structure and risk matrix, always in accordance with benchmarking.



  • monitoring inspections at federal, state and municipal level, as well as advising on responses to the Tax Administration, in order to avoid litigation;
  • representation in judicial and administrative litigation at federal, state and municipal level.


News, bulletins and newsletters from the area

Foi reaberto o prazo para inscrições no Programa de Parcelamento Incentivado (PPI) do município de São Paulo. Dívidas de IPTU e ISS (além de outros encargos municipais) poderão ser pagas em até 120 parcelas mensais, iguais e sucessivas, acrescidas de juros Selic. Os valores mínimos de cada parcela

A Resolução CVM (RCVM) nº 175, de 23 de dezembro de 2022, que consolida o novo regime regulatório dos fundos de investimento, entrou em vigor no dia 02 de outubro de 2023, com exceção de alguns dispositivos expressamente mencionados na nova norma, cuja vigência se inicia em 01º