BOCATER quadrante2
BOCATER quadrante1
BOCATER quadrante1
BOCATER quadrante4
BOCATER quadrante3
BOCATER quadrante2
BOCATER quadrante4



Wide-ranging practice involving consultancy and advisory services. As well as representation in administrative and judicial proceedings, with a focus on solutions that balance solid technical legal support with the pragmatism of the business environment.

Our services include, among others:


  • legal and doctrinal analysis, jurimetrics and benchmarking;
  • legal opinions and other technical analyses;
  • permanent advice on matters related to direct and indirect taxes, which includes monitoring procedures before the Tax Administration, including compliance with main and ancillary obligations, audits, offsets, among others;
  • tax planning;
  • structuring legal alternatives for corporate and M&A transactions;
  • advising on the process of applying for special regimes before tax authorities;
  • advising on the recovery of unduly paid taxes;
  • identification of opportunities to take advantage of credits; 
  • advice on the taxation of cross-border operations; 
  • advising on corporate tax governance, including drawing up a policy, organizational structure and risk matrix, always in accordance with benchmarking.



  • monitoring inspections at federal, state and municipal level, as well as advising on responses to the Tax Administration, in order to avoid litigation;
  • representation in judicial and administrative litigation at federal, state and municipal level.


News, bulletins and newsletters from the area

O Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) entendeu pela inconstitucionalidade de lei estadual que determina a incidência de Imposto sobre Transmissão Causa Mortis e Doação (ITCMD) sobre valores recebidos por beneficiários em plano vida gerador de benefício livre (VGBL) e plano gerador de benefício livre (PGBL). O julgamento se deu

O Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) determinou a constitucionalidade da cobrança de PIS/Cofins sobre as receitas de aplicações e investimentos financeiros de entidades fechadas de previdência complementar (EFPC). A decisão se deu no julgamento do recurso extraordinário (RE) 722.528/RJ, com repercussão geral, indexado sob o Tema 1.280, em sessão