Boletim Bocater

Bocater Advogados was one of the highlights of the ABDIB Forum 2023


Bocater, Camargo, Costa e Silva, Rodrigues Advogados was one of the highlights of the ABDIB - Brazilian Association of Infrastructure and Basic Industries Forum 2023, an event held last April by the Brazilian Association of Infrastructure and Basic Industries.

Besides being one of the sponsors of the seminar, our senior partner Francisco da Costa e Silva participated as a speaker on the panel that dealt with the importance of legal security for the advancement of Brazilian infrastructure, alongside the President of the TCU, Minister Bruno Dantas, and the Secretary of Economic Reforms of the Ministry of Finance, Marcos Barbosa Pinto.

In his speech, Costa e Silva alerted to the problem of the "pen blackout", which consists of the paralysis of public agents for fear of later accountability, and addressed the possible relevance of the new Administrative Secretariat of Consensual Solution of the TCU to mitigate the issue. In addition, he emphasized the need for predictability for the country's capital market environment, highlighting the importance of the CVM in ensuring security for investors in infrastructure projects.

The association produced an ebook of the event, highlighting Costa e Silva's speech. Check out the complete material here:

The entire forum is also available on video and can be watched on Youtube.

Also, check out the complete ABDIB Forum 2023 ebook .



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