Boletim Bocater

Felipe Varela teaches a class on "Dispute Boards" at the post-graduation course in Public Attorneyship at ESAP PGE-RJ


Our lawyer Felipe Varela Mello, and also a guest professor at the post-graduation course in Public Law at the Superior School of Advocacia Pública (PGE-RJ) (ESAP), taught a class on Dispute Boards in the current course class.

He had already presented other topics this semester: Arbitration involving the Treasury; and Treasury and precedents - litigation management by the public lawyer.

In the class on dispute boards, Felipe explored the origin and main characteristics of this appropriate method of dispute prevention and resolution, which originated in the United States and is commonly used in construction contracts.

The subject is the object of his Master's thesis in Procedural Law at UERJ, which he will finish in early 2023.

Para saber mais sobre o curso, acesse here.



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