Boletim Bocater

Thiago Araújo participates in P3C - PPPs and Concessions: Infrastructure Investments in Brazil


Our partner Thiago Araújo attended the P3C | PPPs and Concessions event, which took place on February 28th, and counted with the participation of several speakers who are experts in the PPPs and Concessions market in Brazil.

In the debate about the challenges of infrastructure in Brazil, in a panel called "Risks and Balancing - Fleeing the rebalancing of contracts". the panel discussed which mechanisms will be used to automate and facilitate the rebalancing of contracts.

P3C is specialized in the PPP and Concession market with a focus on Infrastructure Investments in Brazil involving companies, entities, and governments with the mission of involving this chain to discuss collaboration among the different players, with the purpose of finding alternatives to make the business environment more predictable and safe for investors in Brazil.

Watch the event:



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