Boletim Bocater

Webinar "Cost reduction, efficiency and transparency: what EFPCs should expect from CVM Resolution 175"


Last March 23rd, our partner Matheus Corredato Rossi participated in the Webinar "Cost reduction, efficiency and transparency: what EFPCs should expect from CVM Resolution 175", held on the Abrapp - Associação Brasileira das Entidades Fechadas de Previdência Complementar (Brazilian Association of Closed Complementary Pension Funds) channel on Youtube, by initiative of Bocater and LUZ Soluções Financeiras.

The webinar was conducted by Édner Castilho, Executive Secretary of the Abrapp's Investment Coordinators College, and had lectures by our partner Matheus, Leonardo Ozorio, LUZ's Institutional Relations Director, and Murilo Sibrão Bernardini, LUZ's Investment Consulting Manager. João Carlos Ferreira, Vice-President Director of Abrapp, was responsible for opening the event.

In his speech, Matheus recalled that EFPCs already live with the management of more than one plan and assets, in separate ways, with the CNPJ per plan, which can be compared to the structure of class and subclasses of shares of funds. "The only point of this rule that was left open is in relation to taxation, the discussion between CVM and Receita Federal," he said. According to him, this is a point that EFPC must follow up on, since there is still a year to go into effect.

To watch the event in its entirety, go to:



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