
Bidding experts question specifics of TJ-RS car purchase notice


In an interview with the website Zero Hora, our Public Law partner Thiago Araújo commented on the specifics required in the public notice that resulted in the acquisition of five vehicles by the Rio Grande do Sul Court of Justice (TJ-RS).

According to the article, the tender called for the purchase of a large executive sedan, capable of carrying five people. One of the requirements of the tender was that the cars should have at least a 2.0 cylinder engine with 203 horsepower.

The particularities determined in the tender ended up eliminating many of the competitors, leaving only one company at the end.

According to our partner, the understanding of the legislation on bids allows for specificities, as long as they do not restrict or disproportionately reduce the competitiveness of the participants in the tender.

Check out the full article.



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